Productivity vs. Efficiency: Four Ways They Differ, and What Matters Most
Published: Tue, 09/03/19
Productivity vs. Efficiency:
Four Ways They Differ, and What Matters Most
Most of us know the difference between effectiveness and efficiency. Effectiveness is doing the right things, while efficiency is doing things right. Their intersection yields high productivity. I even wrote a book about it: Doing the Right Things Right: How the Effective Executive Spends Time. But many people remain confused about the difference between productivity and efficiency. Too often, the terms are viewed as synonyms. They're not. They're related but certainly not interchangeable.
Indeed, in some cases, they couldn't be farther apart.
Performance Leadership: 6 Strategies That Double Your Leadership Effectiveness in Half the Time
Leadership has little or nothing to do with your title or your position. But it has everything to do with your interpersonal skills and your ability to bring out the best in others.
So ask yourself: Are you as effective as you could be as a leader? Are you getting the results you want with other people? And are they as positive, engaged, and achieving as they could be?
Your answer needs to be yes. Because in survey after survey, the vast majority of employees say they could work harder, produce greater results, or perform at a higher level.
Your answer will be yes with Motivation, Cooperation, and Trust (MCT), because MCT skips the academic mumbo-jumbo and gets right to the nitty-gritty of what really motivates peak performance.
Unlike other programs that focus on some hypothetical theoretical model, the latest flavor-of-the-month, or fluffy psychobabble, MCT focuses on simple, quick-and-easy tools you can implement right away to get exceptional leadership results – right now.
In this program, you will learn HOW TO:
Build a climate of respect that attracts teammates to you and your ideas,
Stop the 50 Killer Statements that de-energize and de-motivate others,
Generate workplace enthusiasm that survives even the toughest times,
Speak the Work Language of others to get their full and willing cooperation,
Ask Brave Questions that build stronger work relationships,
Use the top 17 recognition techniques that fire up the motivation of others,
Give negative, change-seeking feedback that does not provoke defensiveness,
Ask for what you need and get a yes response from others.
One caution: MCT is not a sit-back-and-listen type of program. It is a highly interactive experience so you know exactly what it takes to lead more effectively than ever.
Session Includes: Seminar, Breakfast, Lunch, Parking, and Supplementary learning resources.
Date: Wednesday, August 14, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM MST Location: The Curtis Ballroom at the Landmark, 5345 Landmark Place, Greenwood Village, CO 80111