Fine-Grained Planning: Five Steps Toward Developing Quarterly, Monthly and Weekly Goals
Published: Tue, 06/11/19
Fine-Grained Planning:
Five Steps Toward Developing Quarterly, Monthly and Weekly Goals
To paraphrase Dwight Eisenhower, while plans might prove useless once the rubber hits the road, planning is indispensable. All but the most oblivious of companies, organizations, and businesspeople make long-term planning an essential part of their infrastructure; those who don't go the way of the dodo. It's a harsh type of natural selection that constantly hones productivity and its pleasing by-product, profit. In pursuit of both, over the years "long-term" has been repeatedly redefined as
business, technology, and culture have evolved.
Evolving from Manager to Leader: 5 Influencing Strategies to Accelerate Success and Make a Difference
This session explores essential strategies and techniques required to powerfully evolve from manager into leader. Being a manager is one of the most arduous and yet most valuable roles in any organization. The challenge lies in dealing with the expectations of those above and below you while also influencing the success of the people around you. When you master managing while leading, you will discover how to impact any organization from the middle. You will leave this class with the skills
needed to powerfully evolve into a Manager who Lead.
We’ll cover:
People don’t hate their bosses. They just don’t trust them. When every interaction we have with our people contributes to or contaminates that trust, we must work to build it. And only with trust can we powerfully communicate, offer feedback, and delegate to empower and develop. As the boss, we create this environment every day; and as Managers who Lead, we do it intentionally.
Session Includes: Seminar, Breakfast, Lunch, Parking, and Supplementary learning resources.
Date: Wednesday, June 19, 2019 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM MST Location: The Curtis Ballroom at the Landmark, 5345 Landmark Place, Greenwood Village, CO 80111