Standing Strong: Six Ways to Maintain Your Mental Toughness
Published: Tue, 04/24/18
Standing Strong: Six Ways to Maintain Your Mental Toughness
Most of us have faced periods when we've had to push through difficulties and stand tall in the face of adversity. Whether at work or in other aspects of life, it’s essential to be TOUGH. Sometimes physical toughness works, but I believe mental toughness is just
as important. No matter how tough you seem on the outside, if you can't mentally accept and face down a situation, you're likely to fall apart before you reach the end.
Announcing the Publication of Laura Stack's 8th Book! FASTER TOGETHER: Accelerating Your Team’s
There are more roadblocks to productivity today than ever before. Everyone who works deals with countless emails, constant communication, cascading deadlines, and seemingly endless meetings. These can be managed efficiently, or they can be a huge time suck. When you’re surrounded by slow-moving co-workers, you’re stuck in a traffic
jam of sorts. What makes the difference isn’t individuals working harder or faster or smarter, but “teaming well.”
Making A Difference™ is a
far-reaching program giving everyone in your organization the skills to grow themselves and their people. People who make a difference have the capacity not just to envision something in an abstract, daydreaming, fantasizing kind of way, but they have the capacity and drive to actually go out and do it. Fewer than half of today’s employees believe that their companies deserve their loyalty. Unfortunately, leaders too often confuse profits with purpose and disregard the principles that drive
people. This program reveals the process for developing exceptional leaders and retaining great employees. Employees of great companies see themselves as being part of a greater mission, something that goes beyond revenue and profits. You have to focus on having compassion and a positive attitude. While we don’t know what challenges face the people we meet every day, we do have the power to bring someone hope, if only for a moment. And as this program expounds, that hope can multiply a thousand
This leadership program is a positive look at what is necessary to make a difference and is a great reminder that Monday isn’t
designed to add depression to an otherwise happy week. Making a difference is about conscious choices that do, and will, impact the lives of people we encounter. It is about leaders in an organization who behave in such a manner that is congruent with the behavior they expect from their employees. It is about modeling the behavior you desire for the rest of the company. Your job gives you authority. Your behavior earns you respect.
Making A Difference™ illustrates why great leaders are so valued and regarded as “one in a million.” This unrivalled session will help you outline what should drive you, fuel
you, and define you as a leader.
Date: Thursday, April 26, 2018 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM MST Location: The Curtis Ballroom at the Landmark, 5345 Landmark Place, Greenwood
Village, CO 80111