Step-by-Step Improvement: Five Ways to Build a Better To-Do List

Published: Tue, 12/12/17

Step-by-Step Improvement:
Five Ways to Build a Better To-Do List

How do you eat Twain's live frog? Most people assume he meant to choke it down all at once, but on the other hand, we've also learned the only way to eat an elephant is a bite at a time. You get some jarring cognitive dissonance when you take both ideas into account at once, but they do share a point: both the elephant and the frog represent big or unpleasant projects we must make progress on before we can move on to other tasks.
Video of the Week: 
Accountability...The Highest
Form of Leadership

Excited to welcome Hall of Fame faculty member Sam Silverstein to LEADERSHIP USA™ COLORADO on Tuesday, January 30, 2018. Register below!


As the Founder of The Accountability Movement™ and former Partner of manufacturing and distribution companies, Sam Silverstein shares several case studies about organizations that have defined their cultures to enable an environment of high performance, increased productivity, engaged employees and inspired accountability. Sam will help you truly understand what a commitment is and have everyone on the same playing surface when it comes to accountability.

Sam reveals powerful truths that will position you to take the necessary steps to create and innovate your ideal culture. Sam shares with the participants the importance of leveraging the immense power of values and how to connect everyone in your organization through your culture.

In addition, Sam lays out the Terms of Change™ and the ability to initiate change in an organization from leadership. Change looks different when viewed through the lens of accountability. The Accountable Leader™ does not focus on changing what people do. They focus on changing the way their people think.

This program focuses on the way a leader needs to think in order to inspire an environment where accountability is encouraged and embraced. Sam will explore the critical thought processes necessary for leaders to drive accountability throughout the organization including:

  • The 10 Commitments of Accountability™
  • Understanding the “Terms of Change™”
  • The Change Categories all people fall into and how to communicate with each person successfully
  • How to empower your team to want to be accountable
  • The importance of knowing what you value

Date: Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Time: 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM MST
Location: The Curtis Ballroom at the Landmark, 5345 Landmark Place, Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Price: $299 members, $499 non-members