Friends Indeed: Four Ways to Leverage Work Relationships to Boost Productivity

Published: Tue, 10/10/17

Feeling Good Works: Why Optimism Injects New Life into Productivity

Many savvy business people will tell you that the true secret of success is cultivating profitable relationships with anyone related to your work: coworkers, colleagues, clients, prospects, even vendors. Sometimes, the least expected person is the one who saves your bacon—like that quiet but hardworking teammate, or the networking associate you met at a conference last year.

Click here to read the article.

Video of the Week: 
Influence Your World: Leading In The Spotlight

Excited to welcome Hall of Fame faculty member Connie Dieken to LEADERSHIP USA™ COLORADO on Tuesday, November 14, 2017. Register below!


 Influence Your World: Leading In The Spotlight

This highly-interactive program guides you to build your influence and high-profile presence. You'll learn the three habits of influential leaders and discover how to apply them to your world, regardless of the conditions. As a result, even the most difficult people will trust your judgment, respect your opinions, and willingly commit to your strategies and ideas. You'll discover how to:

• Connect so that others are open to hearing your ideas, even if they disagree.
• Convey even the most complex information simply, without dumbing it down.
• Convince others to trust your judgment, so they willingly take action.
• Send purposeful signals that align your intention with your impact.
• Influence the narcissistic and passive-aggressive people in your life.

Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Time: 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM MST
Location: The Curtis Ballroom at the Landmark, 5345 Landmark Place, Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Price: $299 members, $499 non-members