Instant Productivity: Five Ways to Be Immediately Productive in the Morning
Published: Tue, 06/20/17
Instant Productivity: Five Ways to Be Immediately Productive
in the Morning
Short of caffeine, there's no magic elixir you can take to make you productive, or we would all surely be addicted to it. But there are plenty of things you can do to ensure you start making money for the business in minutes after sitting down at your computer, rather than slowly getting up to speed. They range from the imminently practical to the slightly New Ageish, from background preparation to immediate
action, but they all work—if you're willing to put them into action. And to borrow from Shakespeare: "Aye, there's the rub."
Leadership USA™ is a brand new organization dedicated to bringing the brightest minds from a myriad of fields to speak and share their knowledge with you and your employees. We're in the process of getting regions set up across the country, but to kick things off we're pleased to announce the first three events for our founding region - Leadership USA™ Colorado!
Scott Halford is a writer and
long-time educator of business people worldwide. He focuses on brain-based behavioral science, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and influence. In 2014, Scott was inducted into the National Speakers Speaker Hall of Fame. He has been the Brainy Business columnist for, and blogs for Huffington Post. Scott is the author of the Wall Street Journal best-selling book, Activate Your Brain, and Be a Shortcut – The Secret Fast-track to Business Success.
This highly-interactive
program guides you to build your influence and high-profile presence. You’ll learn the three habits of influential leaders and discover how to apply them to your world, regardless of the conditions. As a result, even the most difficult people will trust your judgment, respect your opinions, and willingly commit to your strategies and ideas. You’ll discover how to: • Connect so that others are open to hearing your ideas, even if they disagree. • Convey even the most complex information simply, without dumbing it down. • Convince others to trust your judgment, so they willingly take action. • Send purposeful signals that align your intention with your impact. • Influence the narcissistic and passive-aggressive people in your life.
Can’t seem to earn the respect of decision makers when communicating new ideas and strategies, or when
pitching projects and recommendations? Frustrating, right? Unnecessary – yes! Too many otherwise capable leaders simply have not learned or don’t practice the processes proven to capture the imagination, attention and respect of decision makers. In this fast-paced, practical workshop, you’ll be armed with time-tested information, tools and techniques preparing you to not only “get what you want,” but to also “earn the right to be heard” by those with decision making authority.