Just Doing the Work Isn’t Enough: Four Ways Creativity Matters to Productivity

Published: Tue, 06/06/17

Just Doing the Work Isn’t Enough: Four Ways Creativity Matters to Productivity

Though most workers let it slip their minds—if they ever think about it at all—Creativity and Productivity have more in common than the six letters both words end with. While the bottom line in the workplace is almost always profit, and you ­can ­achieve productivity without creativity in some cases, your final products are worth far more when you blend creativity with productivity as you work.

It goes without saying that in some fields of endeavor, creativity and productivity inextricably intertwine. But even in the most business-oriented venture, creativity should form part of the recipe. This isn’t always obvious, and in the past, may not have been as necessary as it is in the modern Global Village. So let’s take a look at a few reasons why creativity does matter to your business team’s productivity, no matter what you do—reasons you may not have thought about before.


Upcoming Events for Leadership USA™ Colorado​​​​

Leadership USA™ is a brand new organization dedicated to bringing the brightest minds from a myriad of fields to speak and share their knowledge with you and your employees. We're in the process of getting regions set up across the country, but to kick things off we're pleased to announce the first three events for our founding region - Leadership USA™ Colorado!

Scott Halford is a writer and long-time educator of business people worldwide. He focuses on brain-based behavioral science, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and influence. In 2014, Scott was inducted into the National Speakers Speaker Hall of Fame. He has been the Brainy Business columnist for Entrepreneur.com, and blogs for Huffington Post. Scott is the author of the Wall Street Journal best-selling book, Activate Your Brain, and Be a Shortcut – The Secret Fast-track to Business Success.

This highly-interactive program guides you to build your influence and high-profile presence. You’ll learn the three habits of influential leaders and discover how to apply them to your world, regardless of the conditions. As a result, even the most difficult people will trust your judgment, respect your opinions, and willingly commit to your strategies and ideas. You’ll discover how to:
• Connect so that others are open to hearing your ideas, even if they disagree.
• Convey even the most complex information simply, without dumbing it down.
• Convince others to trust your judgment, so they willingly take action.
• Send purposeful signals that align your intention with your impact.
• Influence the narcissistic and passive-aggressive people in your life.

Can’t seem to earn the respect of decision makers when communicating new ideas and strategies, or when pitching projects and recommendations? Frustrating, right? Unnecessary – yes! Too many otherwise capable leaders simply have not learned or don’t practice the processes proven to capture the imagination, attention and respect of decision makers. In this fast-paced, practical workshop, you’ll be armed with time-tested information, tools and techniques preparing you to not only “get what you want,” but to also “earn the right to be heard” by those with decision making authority.

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Video of the Week: Get
​​​​​​​Employees To Be More Productive
f you’re a business leader, the responsibility of inspiring creativity in your employees falls on your shoulders. One of the best ways to inspire your employees is to not only tell them what to do, but explain why to do it. Bringing your employees on the mission and giving them a sense of purpose opens the door to new and better ideas.  Video: Get Employees To Be More Productive.