The Sunny Side of the Street: Four Ways to Rewire Your Brain for Positivity
Published: Tue, 05/09/17
The Sunny Side of the Street: Four Ways to Rewire Your Brain for Positivity
There’s a reason we have so many sayings about maintaining positivity: “Every cloud has a silver lining.” “It’s an ill wind that blows no good.” “Reframe challenges as opportunities.” “Somethings good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”
We throw these sayings around to fight off the demons of negative self-talk, worry, and depression. They help you “Just Keep Swimming” as Dory said from the movie Nemo, pushing toward maximum productivity with a song in your heart and a spring in your step.
I’m sure a few
of the curmudgeonly among you will greet that statement with rolled eyes and a “Hrmph,” but give it a try. As one of my mentors used to say, “Everything’s difficult until it’s easy.” It may sound simplistic, but it’s deeper than you think. It’s no newsflash that you get better at something the more you work at it, but this doesn’t just apply to tasks. It also works for ways of thinking. The more you try to think positively, the more positively you’ll think. Here are just a few ways to help rewire your brain toward positivity.
Video Training from Laura Stack
If you’re still dealing with training budget cuts and travel freezes, you can bring Laura Stack into the privacy of your own office for personal productivity training! Increased personal productivity is more important than ever before, especially if your department has been downsized, and you have more work to do with fewer people and a lower
These training videos are very affordable for everyone, even if you have to pay for it yourself! At just $39 per one-hour video (volume discounts available), you can experience the most innovative productivity ideas from Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro®, guaranteed to skyrocket your productivity and boost
Video of the Week: First World Problems
This week's blog post is all about thinking positive, and a big part of that is not sweating the small stuff. If your blood starts to boil because your Amazon order doesn't qualify for 2-day shipping, or you begin to seethe when your computer has to run updates, then this video is for you! This humorous piece isn't my own, but it fit the theme so well I had to
share! – Video: First World Problems.