Easy Integration: Getting New Team Members Up and Running Quickly

Published: Tue, 03/28/17

Easy Integration: Getting New Team
Members Up and Running Quickly

Before you take on the task of integrating newbies into your team, think back to the days when you first joined. You were probably unsure about how your new coworkers would treat you, worried about being accepted, and maybe even wondered if you could even do the job. Your new team members will feel the same way. Did your new manager just point at a desk and wish you luck, or did someone carefully teach and mentor you? While to some extent it’s the responsibility of the new hire to learn his or her job, the harder it is and the less help they have, the more likely they’ll fail. One study has found that up to 16% of new hires quit after the first week!

If a new hire fails, the whole team fails, because finding and hiring new a replacement costs money—money your team and organization can’t use for other things. So it makes sense to ease people into their new roles. If one of you old salts can show them the ropes, things will be shipshape in no time.

You’ll always have a lag time before they mesh with the veterans, but implementing these suggestions will make it easier for them.Consider these tips to help people “onboard” more easily.

Weekly Train-Your-Team Series for Leaders

Are you a leader who struggles with finding the time and resources to train your staff? Do you waste time searching for material to discuss in your meetings that will help your team perform at higher levels? Do you want to have meaningful discussions that will impact your team’s productivity and strategy execution? Welcome to Laura Stack’s one-year Train-Your-Team productivity series for leaders!
In this resource, you will receive 52 lessons to choose from (enough for a year of weekly staff meetings)! Each lesson includes a 3-to-5 minute video with a key focus idea from Laura. Each video includes a transcript if you prefer to read her lesson. Mostly importantly, you’ll have a downloadable “Training Blueprint” to help you guide a mini-training with your team, which outlines the Key Points of the video, provides you with Discussion Questions, and a 10-minute Interactive Exercise.
You don’t need to hire a speaker or send your team to a seminar that doesn’t “stick.” You’ll have an entire year of material so you can “Do It Yourself” and keep the momentum going all year! When you take Laura’s lessons back to your teams, you’ll be well on your way to creating a culture of high performance and productivity!
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Video of the Week: Business Culture​​​​​​​
If you have a culture of tardiness, and the meeting starts at 2:00, what time does the meeting really start? 2:10, 2:15 Right? Because you know the real meeting isn’t going to start until 2:15. Doesn’t that shape behavior? It’s easy to say, “oh well that’s just our culture,” and just wave it off or use it as an excuse or, almost as an enabler of behaviors that we know are kind of counterproductive. Don't let this happen to you and your team. Check out the video here.