April Roundup from Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro
Published: Thu, 04/06/17
Laura’s “Tax Time Blues” STACK
Laura’s STACKS (get it?) offer a special bundle of products each month by Laura Stack around a particular theme, specially priced for a high-value, low-cost educational offering. You’ll receive
three different one-hour, online training videos by Laura, plus three combination audio/ebooks. You can listen to the 30-minute MP3s on your way to work or read them, whichever you prefer.
Each STACK is normally priced at $139 retail, but with this special $100 coupon for newsletter subscribers, you get the STACK for $39!
Just in time for spring, we present LAURA’s “Tax Time Blues” STACK. Ah, spring, when a young person’s fancy turns to thoughts of…taxes…and cleaning. In the old days, the fresh air and fine, bright weather of spring was the ideal time to spend a few days airing out the stuffiness of winter, cleaning out the closets, and
scouring the home from top to bottom. Some of us still perform this annual ritual at home. For many of us, it’s become a fixture in our workplaces as well.
It makes sense to occasionally stop long enough to clean up your workspace AND your performance. You don’t have to do it in the springtime, but it’s usually convenient to do so: the post-holiday crush has slowed, and many of us haven’t scheduled our vacations yet. A few hours spent setting things right in April can save you days or weeks’ worth of time in the coming year. These educational resources from Laura Stack will give you the boost you need and keep you on your
Laura’s “Tax Time Blues” STACK includes these three one-hour online training videos:
Running late lately? Feeling overwhelmed? Need to hit the next level of
success? Like to have a coach to help you get organized? Now you can!
You'll receive 8 one-hour online rocket-boosting productivity videos in this series. You’ll see exactly why it’s been said that Laura Stack can do the work of five people. For each video's focus area, Laura will show you
exactly how she does it, using her own systems for demonstration.
Video 1: To-do lists/prioritizing/decision-making Video 2: Email/tracking pending items/projects/delegation Video 3: Scheduling/calendaring/appointments Video 4: Planning/daily/weekly/monthly/annually Video 5: Time/effective systems/devices/consolidation Video 6: Organizing/technology/paper/software Video 7: Focus/distractions/multi-tasking/concentration Video 8: Bringing it all together/boundaries/timewasters
These videos do not expire, and you can watch them over and over again!