Four Ways to Intensify Your Focus: Maximizing the Value of the Time You Have
Published: Tue, 01/31/17
Four Ways to Intensify Your Focus: Maximizing the Value of the Time You Have
One of the characteristics of high achievers is their intensity of focus. High achievers know how to bury themselves in their work to such an extent that nothing can easily pull them away. It’s like they’re in a productivity trance. Fortunately, you CAN learn to be more focused, even if you believe you’re one of the worst multi-taskers
on the planet. Here are four effective ways to tighten up your concentration and intensify your focus.
Workflow Mastery: Organize Your Time, Tasks, and Inbox with Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro
Want to bring Laura onsite to train your team but don't have the budget to bring her in person? Here's the next best thing---a
recorded presentation of LAURA LIVE. Laura was filmed giving a public half-day presentation of her flagship presentation "Workflow Mastery" on November 2, 2016, at the beautiful PACE Center in Parker, CO. You will see Laura on stage, a direct feed to her computer as she demonstrates her concepts, and the live audience interaction.
Learn to:
Process your email quickly and track pending items, tasks owed by others, and “waiting for” information.
Get your text, emails, Facebook messages, ideas, to-do lists, sticky notes, nd meeting notes all into one place.
Combine multiple to-do lists into one central, consolidated list, where you can make the best choice in the moment on the best use of your time.
Create an organized time management system to help you capture, organize, reference, and execute your highest priorities.
Keep track of your action items and don’t
let anything fall through the cracks.
Conduct daily, weekly, and monthly planning periods to stay on top of projects and tasks coming down the pike.
You can show this to as many people as you'd like, as many times as you like, as often as you like, as it's an UNLIMITED license! You simply project it to a screen in a conference
room for employee training or an LCD in a meeting room for your team. You'll give each member of your team a copy of the workbook to go through the activities together. It's the next best thing to being in the LIVE audience!
Special Coupon for Newsletter Subscribers!
Use coupon code WORKFLOW for a $200 discount!
(Takes price from $999 to $799)
Video of the Week: The Truth About Multitasking
Did you remember to call Mike about the meeting next week? And you don't want to forget! So you're like, "oh, just really quick," and you call Mike, then you hang up and go back to what you're working on. Then you have to say to yourself, "where was I?" And then your brain goes, "hey, did you remember to send back that document..." Do some of you do
this all day long? This is what's commonly being called "multitasking," but I call it code for "never being able to get any one thing done." You can check out the
video here!