Six Ways to Ensure a Restorative Workspace: Translating Comfort to Productivity
Published: Tue, 02/14/17
Six Ways to Ensure a Restorative Workspace: Translating Comfort to Productivity
Most of us realize the value of taking care of ourselves. Taking care of, cherishing, and loving ourselves translates into greater productivity. But often, we think of this as something we do only in our down time or during our breaks.
Taking breaks is certainly a good start, but you can also boost your productivity by making your workspace a more pleasant place to spend time.
I’m not talking about ergonomics here; I’m talking about mental and emotional
comfort. In many cases, comfort has more than a physical element; it’s psychological as well. When you’re mentally and emotionally calm and fulfilled, even at a subconscious level, you’ll feel better physically, and your performance will improve as a side-effect.
That’s not FAIR! I'm gathering data for my newest book, which will be released in January 2018. I would love to hear your CONFIDENTIAL answers to these questions but will NOT use your name or any other information without your explicit permission:
Have you ever been treated
unfairly at work? Are policies applied consistently to everyone? Do you feel your manager treats you equally? Do any of your team members "get away with" unfair practices? Do you ever feel taken advantage of? Are you treated like an equal member of the team by your co-workers? If any of these questions apply to you,please answer these three quick questions in my "Fairness in the Workplace" survey.
Are you interested in having me coach you “live” on YOUR systems, remotely from your office? Fix any problems you’re having? Set up your calendar, email, task list, contacts, and time management system and give you a “crash course” on how to use
it? Would you like to quickly learn how to correctly manage your Outlook or Gmail?
For many years, seminar participants have lamented, “I wish you could just come to my office and fix my systems for me!” I’ve finally figured out how to help people individually! I’ve discovered a technology called GoToAssist (from experience having a service technician use it on my CRM), which allows me to help anyone from anywhere with simple
remote support software.
It’s easy! You (a) Open a browser, (b) enter a code I’ll will give you, which will (c) give keyboard and mouse control to me. That’s it! I’ll navigate around and set everything up while teaching you. This will save you HOURS of training time! My normal online video course is 12 hours, and my full-day seminar is 6 hours. This coaching will only require ONE HOUR of your time using GoToAssist. As a bonus, your session will be recorded for review, and you’ll receive a detailed workbook with step-by-step instructions for everything we’ve done. You’ll be up and running and keeping an empty inbox in record time! PLUS I’m offering an extra month of unlimited email access to me if you have questions.
Video of the Week:
Increasing Efficiency and Results - Making
Have you ever gone to the grocery store without a list? Have you ever walked up and down the isles of the grocery store and wondered, "what was it... what was it that I needed?" And when do you remember what it was? When you get home! But by making a list, you in essence allow yourself to forget about it! There's psychology at play here! To learn more, check out the video here!