Four Ways to Get Better at Your Job Right Away: Stepping Up to Boost Your Productivity

Published: Tue, 01/10/17

Four Ways to Get Better at Your Job Right Away: Stepping Up to Boost Your Productivity

It should go without saying that one of your primary goals as an employee is to improve at your job, and most of us set out to build toward peak performance using time-tested, long-term methods that produce over time. We've all heard about the 10,000-hour rule, and how it gradually lifts us toward expert status; and you've probably seen it at work in your own career. I certainly have. Most improvements are gradual like this.

That said, there are things you can do today that will noticeably improve your productivity within 24 hours, if not right away. They're not magic---just common-sense ideas you may have lost track of as you hustled to get your job done. And while these tactics may not have as great an effect on your productivity as your long-term efforts, they'll push you further up the productivity slope. Here are four ways to get better at your job right away!

The 30-Day Productivity Challenge

In this 30-day series, Laura Stack will use her innovative P-R-O-D-U-C-T-I-V-E Model™ to help YOU become a Productivity Pro! You’ll see which of the ten dimensions of productivity is your biggest opportunity. Are you Prepared to have a productive day? Do you Reduce time wasters? Are you Organized around your priorities? Do you maintain personal Discipline? Do you manage Uneasiness and unrest? Are you able to Concentrate on critical tasks? Do you control your Time effectively? How do you manage the flow of Information? Do you have a high level of personal Vitality? Are your personal and work lives in Equilibrium?

Each day, you’ll receive a new 3-to-5 minute video from Laura Stack (including the transcript). You’ll also get a worksheet to use as a training blueprint to either help you journal about the content or share with your team.

Who is this for?
  • Senior leaders wanting to leverage their time more effectively
  • Mid- to senior-level managers wanting to get things done more efficiently
  • Emerging leaders wanting to perform at their productive best
  • Individual contributors wanting to get greater value out of their investment of time
  • Anyone at any level to achieve their personal productivity goals
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