Seven Ways to Beat the Benchmark – The Value of Stretch Goals

Published: Tue, 01/03/17

Seven Ways to Beat the Benchmark

– The Value of Stretch Goals

“One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.”
 —Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., American poet and philosopher.

The above quote is one of my favorites. In this New Year, how can you extend it to your performance? Make a decision to stretch yourself beyond your ordinary productive limits! We Americans are famous for our productivity; we regularly exceed our previous peaks. This has become particularly true since the beginning of the electronics revolution, and continued even during the Great Recession of 2008. In part, this may be because we’ve learned to stretch our abilities to new dimensions—since for a while there, we had no choice.

But just as even the finest Spring has its cool or wet spells, not everyone regularly increases his or her productivity. Often there’s room for improvement, whether team-wide or individual. That doesn’t mean we don’t hit our benchmarks, because we usually do. But it also doesn’t mean we’re standing out above the crowd, either; and if you don’t do that, how can you rise in the organizational structure? Make 2017 your year to push your limits! Here are seven ways to beat the benchmark...
The Institute for Management Studies (IMS) Denver
is Pleased to Present Laura Stack and Her Seminar

DATE: Thursday, January 12, 2017
TIME: Registration at 8:30 AM, and Seminar from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
LOCATION: University of Colorado South Denver (The Wildlife Experience Building)
10035 S Peoria St, Parker, CO 80134
INVESTMENT: $425 (includes workbook, parking, refreshments, and lunch)

The Denver chapter of the Institute for Management Studies is pleased to welcome Laura Stack as its featured educator on January 12, 2017. Are you tired of hearing “do more with less”? Instead, this class shows you how to be more efficient, so you can “do less to achieve more.” Using Ms. Stack’s innovative, six-step Productivity Workflow Formula (PWF), you’ll learn how to prioritize your high-value tasks, protect the time to do them, and organize around them (Ms. Stack demonstrates her methods using Microsoft Outlook). You’ll find dozens of ways to shrink your to-do list, commitments, distractions, interruptions, and inbox. Each reduction will increase your results and save you time.

Click Here to see if your organization is a member of the Institute for Management Studies
(click the button in the lower right that says “Registration Page”).
Please call John Stack, Chair of IMS Denver, with any questions at 720-334-1619 or email