Four Cases When “Working Smarter” Really Works: Getting Beyond the Cliché

Published: Tue, 12/20/16

Four Cases When “Working Smarter” Really Works: Getting Beyond the Cliché

At some point—or perhaps many points!—you've probably received the advice to "Work harder, not smarter." Just about all of us have heard the phrase, to the point of it becoming a meaningless cliché and catch-all slogan. The problem here lies in the fact that most of the people who say this to you have no clue what it means. They're just repeating what other people have told them. Bluntly ask them, “How exactly do you ‘work smarter’?” and they'll most likely just look at you blankly.

My entire career has involved helping people find ways to get more work done in less time. That's one definition of working smarter, and it's composed of multiple parts, including ruthless time management, delegating, taking good care of yourself, tightly organizing and scheduling everything, taking advantage of new technology, and more.

But the truth is, when you really want to succeed, you have to work both harder and smarter than everyone else. Just working smarter won't cut it, except in specific situations. Here are four specific cases when the clichéd suggestion works best...
The Institute for Management Studies (IMS) Denver
is Pleased to Present Laura Stack and Her Seminar


DATE: Thursday, January 12, 2017
TIME: Registration at 8:30 AM, and Seminar from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
LOCATION: University of Colorado South Denver (The Wildlife Experience Building)
10035 S Peoria St, Parker, CO 80134
INVESTMENT: $425 (includes workbook, parking, refreshments, and lunch)

The Denver chapter of the Institute for Management Studies is pleased to welcome Laura Stack as its featured educator on January 12, 2017. Are you tired of hearing “do more with less”? Instead, this class shows you how to be more efficient, so you can “do less to achieve more.” Using Ms. Stack’s innovative, six-step Productivity Workflow Formula (PWF), you’ll learn how to prioritize your high-value tasks, protect the time to do them, and organize around them (Ms. Stack demonstrates her methods using Microsoft Outlook). You’ll find dozens of ways to shrink your to-do list, commitments, distractions, interruptions, and inbox. Each reduction will increase your results and save you time.

Click Here to see if your organization is a member of the Institute for Management Studies
(click the button in the lower right that says “Registration Page”).
Please call John Stack, Chair of IMS Denver, with any questions at 720-334-1619 or email