Post-COVID Productivity: Five Ways It's Going to Improve Our Performance
Published: Thu, 08/12/21
Post-COVID Productivity: Five Ways It's Going to Improve Our Performance
While we may be premature in assuming that the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic has passed with the Delta variant alive and well, it’s better than it was a year ago. However, things will never be the same in its wake, even for those of us untouched by the disease itself.
Our new attitudes about social distancing, personal protection, and hygiene will remain for a long time, as will practices adopted in all aspects of our lives.
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Video of the Week:
Eliminating Low Value Business Activities
Showing More Heart at Work: Attract and Retain Top Talent By Putting Your People First
Do you think that showing more heart and caring for those you lead is too overrated?
To the contrary, organizational leaders who express they care more often have more productive teams, whose members go over and above to create team and organizational success, which increases employee retention. On top of that, many executive leaders have reported that transforming their culture into a place that consistently demonstrates and rewards caring leadership behaviors produces significant return on investment. Putting your people first will be the best
decision you ever make, and it starts with daily actions that produce more positive emotions in those you lead.
Based on her research with more than 100 leaders and 20,000 employees, and the topic of her upcoming book, The Art of Caring Leadership, Heather’s program shows leaders how to become known as a caring leader. You’ll learn how to engage and retain your best talent by demonstrating genuine concern and kindness at work, which is the business advantage of fostering a caring leadership model.
Date: Monday, August 23, 2021 Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM MST