Bearing the Burden: Five Tips for Handling Your Cognitive Load
Published: Tue, 10/06/20
Out of Whack: Five Reasons Tracking Work Time Wastes Time
Anyone who's ever labored in a corporate environment has been required, at one time or another, to track their work time. You've probably been there, scrambling to figure out what the heck you did from
1:15 to 1:30 last Thursday afternoon. Were you working on Project A, B, or C? Were you cleaning your cube or organizing files to enhance your long-term productivity? Was that the day you spent a long lunch-hour with the VP of Marketing? Or were you taking a bio-break or getting some coffee... and if so, what project do you assign it to?
Delivering Engaging Presentations in the New Hybrid World
Our world has been altered by COVID-19, which has impacted the future of face-to-face meetings. Company gatherings, sales presentations, and team meetings will need to be delivered to two audiences simultaneously: virtual and in-person. Join LEADERSHIP USA and Sarah Michel, an expert in virtual conferences, for this deep-dive workshop to help you think about your LXD (Learning Experience Design) to assure you deliver a transformational experience for both types of attendees.
Discover tips, techniques, and strategies you can use to keep both audiences engaged and deliver a memorable learning experience that sticks with people long after the meeting. Sarah will demonstrate these techniques with our live LEADERSHIP USA audience in the Comedy Club South (Greenwood Village, CO) AND OUR remote audiences on livestream in their virtual breakout sessions on Zoom, Teams, WebEx, etc. You’ll explore ways to design your presentation to align with how the brain naturally
learns and lead to behavior, attitude, and skill changes.
** IMPORTANT: Bring your next presentation content with you to this session! You’ll come away with a new plan for delivering it—with more impact and better outcomes. When you leave this workshop, you’ll have actionable strategies, ideas, and plans on how to design, plan, and execute your next hybrid experience that everyone can’t stop talking about! You’ll be the hero back in the (virtual) workplace!
Date:Tuesday, October 13, 2020 Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM MST